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U.S. Patent No. 7, 356, 889, & U.S. Patent No. 7,716,793.

blankyclip is a unique plush childrens toy that doubles as a loose tension blanket clip that is a safe gift for babies.
Mom invented blankyclip is specifically designed to effortlessly hold blankets onto strollers, bouncy seats, swings, diaper bags etc. This safe and functional baby blanket clip is the best new mom gift idea! Blankyclip blanket clip secures a blanket to a stroller
and any other baby carrier. blankyclip is loosely tensioned and
completely padded for the safety of your infant or toddler.
Add a blankyclip baby blanket clip to your baby shower basket for a fun and creative baby shower gift idea! Blankyclips blanket clip is a wonderful gift for any new mom!