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about the inventor/mom


I invented blankyclip when my son Eli was 2 months old. He was one of those babies who only took naps if he was being pushed in a stroller, so this meant I had to take to the streets. Not only did the stroller need to be in motion for him to sleep, but it needed a blanket cover to block out lights and sounds. And after the zillionth time that the blanket fell in the street and got dirty, I had an "Aha!" moment: "Why can't there be a soft, padded, easy to open and safe for babies clip to secure my blanket to my stroller?"

And thus began my 5 year journey toward patenting and manufacturing blankyclip.

Eli is now almost 6 years old, and he has a little sister Dagny, approaching 3, in tow.

As a mom, I invented this product out of necessity. I wanted it also to be cute and fun to look at on my stroller. And most importantly, I wanted it to be child safe. Since then I have found many more uses for it and maybe you'll come up with a few more!

Hope you enjoy your blankyclip and that your baby stays warm and safe.

Adrienne Alitowski
(proud mom with U.S. Patent No. 7, 356, 889 & U.S. Patent No. 7,716,793)

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All rights reserved 2008 -
U.S. Patent No. 7, 356, 889, & U.S. Patent No. 7,716,793.

blankyclip is a unique plush childrens toy that doubles as a loose tension blanket clip that is a safe gift for babies.
Mom invented blankyclip is specifically designed to effortlessly hold blankets onto strollers, bouncy seats, swings, diaper bags etc. This safe and functional baby blanket clip is the best new mom gift idea! Blankyclip blanket clip secures a blanket to a stroller
and any other baby carrier. blankyclip is loosely tensioned and
completely padded for the safety of your infant or toddler.
Add a blankyclip baby blanket clip to your baby shower basket for a fun and creative baby shower gift idea! Blankyclips blanket clip is a wonderful gift for any new mom!